Join 18,000 subscribers learning how to build a business they love through newsletters. Learn how to write, grow your list, sell products without being salesy, and make it all automatic. All by Matt Ragland.
Hey Reader, I just got off an fun call with a 7-figure founder that sparked an important realization I had to share with you. It's about the hidden gold mine we all have but rarely recognize. Before we get to that, I want to give a shout-out to Shortform for sponsoring this edition of the WRAP. If you're like me and you have more books on the shelf than time to read them, Shortform is here to help with high-quality summaries and analysis. Get 20% off with my link. 💡 One Big Idea: Your Brain...
Hey Reader, I was blown away with the response to my recent Quick Question 👋 email! A lot of you are excited about the possibility of starting a YouTube channel to share workflows, tutorials, and systems you’ve developed in your life and work. I wanted to send you all a quick follow-up email to answer the common question people asked me… What do I mean when I say “workflow”? The easiest description to to “show what you know”. My channel is a good example, using the bullet journal, notecards,...
Hey Reader, I had an interesting realization at jiu-jitsu class this week that I think applies to creators, entrepreneurs, and really anyone building something meaningful. Before we get started, I wanted to tell you that my friend Darrell Vesterfelt is hosting a free online summit for creators who are building their businesses from $1 Million to $10 Million. Darrell has filled the summit with people who've cracked the code on business growth and convinced them to share their secrets with you....
Hey Reader, This week I spent 30 minutes setting up the lights in my office. It's not the first time I've set up lights, but this time I did something different: I recorded the process and wrote down all the settings. Me checking a light or trying to keep my son from jumping off the top bunk. You decide. What used to take 30 minutes can now be done in 10 minutes. Why? Because I created a system. Systems are our best tools for tasks we do over and over. They're the guides we make to save our...
Hey Reader, I’m writing this after watching the first walk-off grand slam in World Series history. It’s a bit late, but it’ll be great. How can you not be romantic about baseball? This week’s WRAP topics: Over-priced boxes and identity-based marketing The new wave of YouTube vloggers and storytellers NFL teams eating an absurd number of Uncrustables Here we go! 💡 One Big Idea: It’s not a box, it’s an adventure If you’ve ever wondered what brand affinity and storytelling can do, I present you...
Hey Reader, thanks for the many kind words and replies on my birthday post. If you're new to the WRAP and missed the edition, you can read it here. This week I had an interesting conversation with a friend about pricing strategies for freelancers and experts. It got me thinking about how we value our work, and I wanted to share some insights with you. 💡 One Big Idea: Price Based on Value, Not Time Pricing services based solely on time is a common mistake. Remember, clients pay for the value...
Thanks for reading the 150th edition of the Weekend WRAP! This one is a little different, besides it being a day late. This week was my 41st birthday and instead of 41 lessons (I don't have time to write that many — so old), here are 4 principles that have shaped my life 📜 🎉 Four Big Ideas: Lessons from 41 Years Let's start with the bullet points, if you want to skim... 1: Family & friends have the biggest impact on happiness. 2: Building an audience and personal brand is the best thing you...